gRandisSimo gold™

gReat Size foR cReative cooking

when you buy a gRandiSsimo gold™, you don’t get juSt one pineapple…
you get much moRe!

gRandiSsimo gold™ iS aS big aS it iS deliciouS.

This new large pineapple is the perfect solution for your pineapple cravings. Just 1 Grandissimo Gold™ pineapple can make so many different meals throughout the week – roast it, grill it and bake it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The possibilities are endless!

the new gRandisSimo gold™ pineapPle iS PaRt of the del monte gold® extRa SweEt vaRiety. it iS Picked at matuRity and tRaSPoRted by boat to deliveR the fReSheSt PineaPple to you.

5 benefitS OF gRandisSimo gold™